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Lonely Boy

"I think that I have your father.  This man says that he's your father."


“Where is he?” My sister asked.  “Is he okay?”


The healer drew in a breath.  “Well, he’s not in heaven and he’s not in hell.  He’s in-between.”  She paused again.  “He says that it’s a nice place.  He says that he’s there because they’re telling him that he still has issues to work out.”

“Alright,” my sister replied apprehensively.

“Okay, okay, all right, I’ll ask her.”  The healer seemed besieged.  “He’s

bombarding me with questions.” That would be my father.  “He wants to know how things went at the bank.  Did you get the money?” 


My father’s father died before his son's second birthday, so my father grew up in a financially insecure household, to put it mildly.  As a result, Daddy developed a life-long need to stash away money (much of it in the lining of an old coat). 


“Tell him that everything worked out fine,” my sister replied.


“He seems a little high-strung.”  The healer was being diplomatic.


“You have no idea,” my sister shot back. 

"He says that he wants you to be sure," the medium continued.  

“He’s asking if you’re sure that you got it all?”


“Tell him that I’m sure, not to worry, we got everything.”


“Well, I don’t get this.”  The psychic seemed confused. “He seems completely surrounded by women.”

My sister laughed.  “That makes total sense!”   My father’s mutual attraction to the opposite sex was a never-ending source of entertainment, for everyone but my mother.           


“Okay, I’ll tell her,” the medium ended.  “He says that he’s got to go.  They’re taking him to meet his father,” the father that he never knew.

© Medium Gail,

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